Thursday, May 14, 2009

A Mother's Love

With Mother's Day just passing I wanted to take a look back at the amazing journey we've been on since the birth of our daughter Amelia. I never could have imagined what joy could be brought to us, but can hardly remember what it was like before her. I have more respect and admiration for mothers now since I've become one myself, and only hope to be the best mother possible for Amelia! I hope that in the years to come we can be friends but most of all she knows that I will always be her mother in every way-to soothe her tears, share her joys, uplift her spirit, listen to her, watch her, protect her, and so much else a mother does. Here are a few pictures of Amelia and me...

Mommy and Daughter on Mother's Day
Happy Mother's Day to all the Mommy's I know and enjoy every second with you little ones!!

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